Brewers make things right for Red Sox fan after popcorn was obliterated by HR

You can't just rob a man of his popcorn like that!
Milwaukee Brewers v Boston Red Sox
Milwaukee Brewers v Boston Red Sox / Brian Fluharty/GettyImages

One of the primary rules of attending a baseball game, whether that's in MLB, minor league ball or even slow-pitch softball for that matter, is to keep your head on a swivel whenever you're in the stands. The protective netting helps at many levels of the game but there are obviously areas where that's just not feasible.

The Green Monster at Fenway Park is probably a good example of place where there isn't room for a protective net. And even if the Boston Red Sox only have limited seating atop the 37-foot-high left field wall, the fans who do sit up there have to be ready for any incoming baseballs. Just ask them about what happened on Friday against the Milwaukee Brewers when William Contreras stepped upt to the dish.

Contreras absolutely annihilated a hanging breaking ball from Red Sox starter Kutter Crawford and sent it at 112 mph to the top of the Green Monster. And while the fans were able to get out of the way, their bucket of popcorn was not so lucky as the ricochet off the wall behind them obliterated the ballpark snack.

Brewers replenish Red Sox fan's popcorn after William Contreras HR too out first bucket

Let me assure you of what you probably already expected, those seats atop the Green Monster are not cheap and neither are snacks at Fenway Park. So that wasn't an inconsequential loss for the fans, even if they were laughing after the fact.

Ever the good samaritans, though, the Brewers made sure to do the right thing. So as the Apple TV crew was doing an in-game interview with the fan, the visiting club brought him another serving of popcorn to try and make up for the first one's quick and scattered demise.

At that point, the Red Sox fan probably really needed that salty treat. Things had worsened for his favorite team since Contreras' dinger put the Brewers up 3-1 in the ballgame to a 6-1 Boston deficit at the time of the popcorn delivery on the broadcast.

If only we could all be so lucky as to be able to get any snacks that meet an untimely end that's not in our bellies replenished like a wish made to a genie or fairy godmother. Alas, we can't always have that midwestern niceness in our backpocket like this Red Sox fan and the visiting Brewers doing the right thing.

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