Leaked Toronto Blue Jays city connect jerseys belong in a slow-pitch softball league

Assuming these leaks are true, the Toronto Blue Jays city connect jerseys aren't ideal.
Chicago White Sox v Toronto Blue Jays
Chicago White Sox v Toronto Blue Jays | Vaughn Ridley/GettyImages

The Toronto Blue Jays are next on the city connect bandwagon, and there's little they can do to avoid their fate. At this point, it's a right of passage for Fanatics/Nike/whoever is responsible for this madness to screw up one's city connect designs. It's happened to the majority of the 30 MLB teams, and the Blue Jays are next on the list.

The Jays are scheduled to officially unveil their jerseys on Thursday, but until then, all fans have is a supposed leak. I have no clue if said leak is actually correct, but thus far the best way for fans to cope is to assume the worst. These, my dear friends north of the border, are the worst.

I am not on a beer league softball team, but if I were, I might be fine wearing these. For an MLB team to voluntarily sport this black-and-blue atrocity is unfortunate, but it's the world we live in. The lack of creativity displayed by Nike on the marketing side of things is stunning, to say the least.

Leaked Blue Jays city connect jerseys fit a familiar theme: they stink

Last week, the Blue Jays city connect hat leaked as well, so we essentially have the two most important parts of any uniform on full display. We can only hope the pants aren't see-through.

Phil Hecken of Uniwatch broke down the leak better than most, describing the key features of this uniform:

"TORONTO is in the same (or similar) font, as that which appeared on early Blue Jays jerseys, although that wordmark was radially arched. This wordmark is straight/horizontal. Behind the TORONTO wordmark is a royal blue silhouette of the Toronto skyline (including the reflection of the skyline on Lake Ontario)...So, if this is indeed a legitimate leak, we have several clues as to where the storytelling is going to take us."

For the record, I think it's nice that MLB is debuting new uniforms, especially those which are meant to provide some sort of symbolism for the teams they represent. Unfortunately, Nike has fallen short on multiple occasions of late.

Please, for the love of God, just go back to the old uniforms. No more marketing schemes. No more see-through pants. No more new fonts.

What's that old saying again? Out with the new and in with the old? Something sounds off.