Super Bowl 2013 Drinking Game

The time has finally come and Super Bowl Sunday is upon us. Like any other great American tradition, you can pair football up with some great food and adult beverages and call it a party.

For a minute, let’s ignore the millions of pounds of chicken wings, chips, avocados and pizza that will be consumed and let us focus on the 325 millions of gallons of beer that will be downed on Super Bowl Sunday. It wouldn’t be fair if each of us didn’t enjoy a few beverages to hold up our end of the tab, so we have got just the thing for you — a Super Bowl drinking game.

Couldn’t we all benefit from a few drinks after all of the time preparing the Super Bowl feast? I think so.

So sit back, take in the rules and crack open that beer. Here are the rules to the Super Bowl XLVII Drinking Game — and, of course, drink responsibly:

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Be sure to stay tuned to throughout Super Sunday for the latest and most up to date Super Bowl XLVII coverage. For more San Francisco 49ers news, check out our 49ers website, Niner Noise. For more Baltimore Ravens news, check out our Ravens website, Ebony Bird.