Will Ferrell, Old Milwaukee Super Bowl 2013 Commercial (Video)


Comedic master Will Ferrell partnered with Old Milwaukee for a Super Bowl XLVII commercial that you most likely did not see. Ferrell’s ad aired in limited markets and a majority of the nation was unaware the add existed. Unless you were in Sherman, Texas, Ardmore, Oklahoma or Glendive, Montana, you likely missed the ad.

However, thanks to the wonderful world of technology, video of the commercial surfaced online so the rest of the nation could see the commercial.

While you would expect some sort of great comedy from a Will Ferrell commercial, it was a bit of a letdown.

Just think of the GoDaddy commercial featuring Bar Rafaeli making out with a nerd and take away any sex appeal. That is what the Old Milwaukee commercial brought to the table. This ad definitely takes the cake for the most awkward commercial of the night. People in the markets outside of those three towns should appreciate the fact they were not subject to this type of punishment during the big game.

Here is the ad:

What were your thoughts on the ad? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section and be sure to check out some of the best commercials and worst ads from Super Bowl Sunday.