ESPN Says Keith Olbermann Could Be Hired Back at Network
By Josh Hill
One of the biggest reasons ESPN is the massive network it is today is thanks to The Big Show which was the SportsCenter crew that consisted of Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann. Both men have since moved on from the network and both had notable flame outs with the higher ups during their stints with the network. Patrick left more amicably but Olbermann left in a much bigger fit of angst than his partner.
It has been said by Olbermann himself that he doesn’t burn bridges, he nukes them but apparently the man in charge of ESPN at the moment doesn’t really care if Oblermann offended the big wigs back in the 90s, as he told The Hollywood Reporter that he has thought about bringing the newscaster back to the four letter network.
"I wasn’t here when Keith was here, but he is very talented. So I had dinner with Keith — it was delightful and fun. And I would not have had dinner with him if we didn’t sit around and think about whether there was a reason to bring Keith back. I haven’t met with him again, but we don’t have a policy here that you can never come back."
Olbermann is currently getting back into the sports broadcasting game after a decade or so in politics. He’s infamously difficult to work with but he’s often on the right side of things in terms of the goal he’s striving for — it’s just the path he takes to get there that annoys people and leads to them firing him and throwing him out.
From MSNBC to the failed stint at Al Gore’s CurrentTV, Olbermann is back in sports with a gig at TBS covering the sport he loves most and unless TBS rapidly expands their sports coverage, a reunion between ESPN and Olbermann might be something we see down the line.