Cowboys fans respond/mock weeping Redskins fan (Video)

Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports
Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports /

As training camp got underway we were subjected to an adult woman, yes an adult, weeping after having a disappointing experience at the Washington Redskins training camp. She was upset that she didn’t get any autographs from any players, and she said she would’ve settled for anyone in a uniform. Practice players, guy who will be cut and is simply camp fodder, anyone.

If you haven’t seen it, here ya go:

Why didn’t she go to where the players were signing autographs? Where exactly was she?

So some Dallas Cowboys fans went to training camp and had a much more enjoyable experience and decided to poke fun at and mock their rivals disappointed fan.


“We just spent 2.5 hours at the Dallas Cowboys training camp and we only got everything — like these gloves. They were signed,” one kid said. “But only by the same player.”

“And we got these VIP passes and we only got to stand by the players, not on the field,” another child chimes in.

“And I have like 20 autographs but there is still more space,” another kid says as he holds up an autographed football.

“Go to Dallas Cowboys training camp. I repeat — got to Dallas Cowboys training camp.”