Jose Iglesias hit in a sensitive spot with 95 MPH fastball (GIF)
By Mike Dyce
Apparently, Major League Baseball players don’t like wearing cups. Just the other day we saw New York Mets pitcher LaTroy Hawkins take a come-backer in the ‘nether region’ and he unfortunately was not wearing a cup. At least Hawkins ball hit the ground before bouncing up into his private region.
Detroit Tigers shortstop Jose Iglesias wasn’t wearing a cup when he took this 95 MPH fastball ‘head on’ so to speak.
I bet he is saying to himself he wishes he would’ve learned from Hawkins mistake. The argument for not wearing cups is that they’re uncomfortable and restrict your movement or slow you down even. It makes you wonder what the risk/reward ratio is for this happening and the occasional chaffing problem.
Iglesias opened up his stance as he looked like he might try to bunt, that allowed the ball to hit him there as opposed to the hip. He even stepped forward with his back foot, his right foot, and kind of walked into this. He tried to run it off as he made his way towards first base but fell short in front of the dug out and laid hunched over on the ground for a while.