WWE trainer Bill DeMott teases a WWE Tough Enough return on Twitter


WWE Tough Enough

The WWE Network will finally launch on Febrauary 24th, 2014 right after WWE Monday Night RAW. Now this network will feature a bunch of pay per views, individual matches and original content. Content such as WWE Legends House, WWE NXT and others have been listed as key features for this subscription.

Now one show that could possibly make it’s return to the company would be WWE Tough Enough. Tough Enough started off in the early 2000’s and was aired on MTV. It picked up and became really popular. If you’ve never watched Tough Enough, it featured some of the toughest trainers/professional wrestlers in the business who put contestants through some of the toughest challenges to see who wanted to become a WWE Superstar the most.

They of course did some in ring work which included hitting the ropes for an extended period of time, taking bumps and eventually working on promo’s and their gimmicks. At the end of the year, one person was left standing as other contestants faced elimination from the show.

Back in 2011, the WWE decided to bring back the show but placed it on the USA Network before WWE RAW. The trainers included Bill DeMott, Trish Stratus, Booker-T and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Three Hall of Fame wrestlers and someone who will eventually make it into the Hall of Fame himself. Not sure when, but sometime in the future he could be inducted.

Bill DeMott has been a trainer with the company for awhile now and has done a very good job with the talent. He’s actually the one who sent out a Tweet, teasing the possible return of WWE Tough Enough on the WWE Network.

I’m guessing he would be the key trainer now that Stone Cold is focused on his podcast, Trish Stratus is a new Mom and Booker T works for the color commentary team and has a promotion of his own. Hopefully whoever wins this season will stick with the company.

Andy Leavine was the last person to win this contest but failed to do anything with the business. It’s a shame considering there were a couple guys on that show who could have won.