NFL Cartoon Power Rankings With Matthew McConaughey (Video)

Cartoon Power Rankings
Cartoon Power Rankings

Alright, alright, alright, Cartoon Power Rankings are back this time with world-famous actor and emu rancher Matthew McConaughey. This is good news because I’ve always wondered what someone who’s diet consists almost entirely of granola would think of the Jaguars.

This is our first big celebrity on NFL Cartoon Power Rankings, I mean Al Davis could be called famous, maybe infamous is a better term.

Go ahead, find out what the tofu cowboy has in store for your favorite NFL team:

Do you agree with the interstellar rankings of the creepy older dude form Dazed and Confused or do you take his opinion of your team as a personal insult? If it did insult you just know that I’m sure McConaughey didn’t mean to upset you, he’s probably just in the middle of a three-day cleanse.

Remember the Cartoon Power Rankings host is chosen by you, so let us know who you want to see host in the comments below. They system is simple, whoever gets the most votes gets to host.

Need to catch up on the last Cartoon Power Rankings? Have a spooky good time with the Ghost of Al Davis.

Also, be sure to check out Houston Nutt’s magnificent campaign to become the next head coach of the University of Florida Alligators.