Hogwarts Is Real In Poland

LARPers bring Hogwarts to life with a fan-made event held in Czocha Castle in Poland.

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Live-Action Role Playing Gamers (LARPers) decided to give Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry the real life treatment in Poland.

Volunteers from both Poland and Denmark created the event to bring together Harry Potter fans for a few days to recreate the Hogwarts magic.

"Close to 200 live-action role players from 11 different countries came together to participate in the first session of the fictional Czocha College of Witchcraft and Wizardry, role playing as students, teachers, and other characters. (per Entertainment Weekly)"

The event was held in a Polish castle called Czocha Castle. While they obviously couldn’t get the real magic down, they definitely nailed the setting, which looks very similar to the fictional Hogwarts. Aside from the setting, the event did everything possible to make the experience come to life.

It made up five houses: Durentius, Faust, Libussa, Molin, and Sendivogius, and sorted students into them. Instead of N.E.W.Ts, the fans invented S.P.E.L.Ls (Senior Protective Enchanter’s Lifelong License). To replicate the environment of Hogwarts, professors were anything from old and daft to young and sarcastic.

The first session of the College of Wizardry was held in November and spanned four days. A second event is already scheduled for April, 2015. It will again run four days from the 9th to the 12th and fans will want to prepare early as the event itself costs US $345, plus any travel arrangements and fees for international attendees.

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