This list features the NFL‘s 30 best wide receivers of all-time.
There are dozens of ‘Top NFL Players of All-Time’ articles for all positions scattered around the internet. Specifically the wide receiver position has many, but most have one thing in common. They almost all essentially use nothing more than personal opinion. Sure, some lists may be put together using opinions based in some level of fact, but most articles like lack overall consistency. Understandably some eras are more favorably weighed than others.
We at FanSided wanted to create a top 30 wide receivers in NFL history list by using the facts. Although we didn’t decide to rank wide receivers based on statistics because a 1000-yard receiving year in 1945 is a lot different (and more significant) than a 1000-yard receiving year in 2014. Thus, we ranked wide receivers by how well they dominated their peers at their position. That is truly the only fair way to compare all wide receivers throughout all eras of NFL history. We used the point breakdown below to compile our top 30 wide receivers.
Point Breakdown:
Led League In Receiving Touchdowns: 10 Points
Led League In Receiving Yards: 10 Points
Led League In Receptions: 10 Points
Pro Bowl Season: 5 Points
First Team All-Pro Season: 8 Points
This point system rewards the wide receivers that dominated their positions–dominated their era–better than anyone else. It also rewards consistently great seasons by wide receivers. This system allows receivers of all eras to be rewarded for their greatness, not just receivers from eras of inflated statistics. This list also doesn’t reward longevity and the amassing of statistics over time, it only values truly great seasons.
Therefore this list is absolutely full of surprises. Some players you’re expecting to find will not be on here, whereas others you’ve maybe never heard of are. Keep in mind, the numbers do not lie! Opinions did not influence the ranking (or inclusion) of these players. This list is objective and doesn’t fall victim to perceptions, inflated reputations or bias — unlike many other lists. This list will continue to change forever and a few current receivers have a chance to work their way onto it in the coming years.
I attached the team (or two at the most) that each player made their ‘main contribution’ with in the NFL. Note: The position ‘end’ was essentially wide receiver before the position fully became what it is today and many of the NFL’s great ‘ends’ made this top 30. For the sake of consistency statistics from the 2014 season have not been included in this ranking. If a player is still playing in the NFL I put (ACTIVE) after their point total to signify that they could still move up in the rankings at some point. Did any of your favorite all-time receivers make the list?
Next: The 30 Best WRs In NFL History