Miley Cyrus to pose in Playboy very soon per report

According to a recent report, Miley Cyrus is going to be freeing the nipple in an issue of Playboy very soon. 

Who wants to see Miley Cyrus naked? Well, according to a recent report, you will get that opportunity very soon.

From Star Magazine:

"“Miley can’t think of anything sexier than taking it all off and wants to book a shoot by April.”“She knows it’s becoming more difficult to shock people and stay relevant, so she says Playboy is the next logical move.”"

As an added bonus, the naked Miley Cyrus spread could be part of her ploy to bring attention to an upcoming album. Because who doesn’t want more Bangerz poluting the airwaves?

If there is one thing we know about Miley Cyrus, it is that she can’t stop and won’t stop.

Party on Miley, party on.

This is going to go perfectly with the #FreeTheNipple campaign which she has so openly embraced.

How does everyone feel about Miley joining the Playboy family? Party hardy.

Anything to stay relevant, folks. But dammit, it works.

How much twerking do you think will be in the outtakes video from the Playboy photo shoot? That’s where the true magic will happen.

H/T: Bro Bible

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