Britt McHenry is already back from suspension


Britt McHenry will return to television this weekend after being suspended for a video that surfaced of her verbally abusing someone at a towing company.

Britt McHenry will be returning to television this weekend after a week-long suspension in response to a video that surfaced of her berating a worker at a towing company. McHenry will return just in time for the NFL draft, as her presence in sports media was barely noticed among sports fans everywhere.

The video that led to her suspension showed McHenry, visibly upset that her car was towed, verbally abusing the woman, a single mother of three, who was attempting to resolve her issue. She was heard saying things like “That’s why I have a degree and you don’t” and “Lose some weight, honey.”

This is one of the most awful things I have seen a sideline reporter do. After all, their job is simply to report on injury status, game notes, and player profiles. So there isn’t much wiggle room to say awful things about people’s teeth, lack of education, or weight. So it was surprising to see the reporter say such horrible things to another human being.

Saying such terrible things rank McHenry on the list of all-time horrible people, slightly above Brett Favre and his texting debacle of 2010, and just below Ryan Braun for blatantly lying about his PED use. Putting someone down like that is never necessary. Especially to a single working mom of three kids who works hard every day to provide for them.

Here is an idea for you McHenry: Instead of putting down this worker, why not make her day and toss her a tip? Even if she was being a tad rude to you and your car did get towed, I find it hard to believe it was her fault at all. This woman was just doing her job and you decided to make her the victim of a classic case of bullying. If I was ESPN I would have fired McHenry after news of this surfaced. But she remains in tact and we will probably see her next week during NFL draft coverage.

H/T: Huffington Post

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