WWE Battleground Rumors: Undertaker to make appearance at Battleground?

The Undertaker might be shocking everyone on Sunday night be appearing at the WWE Battleground event

Each and every year we get the treat at WrestleMania of getting to see The Undertaker in the ring. He only appears once a year, so it’s one of the biggest surprises we get all year. Well, things might be changing this year, meaning The Undertaker might be showing up again and he might be showing up sooner rather than later.

According to Reddit user Falcon Arrow, who has been right on spoilers more times than he’s been wrong, The Undertaker could be making an appearance this Sunday at the WWE Battleground show, which would definitely be one of the biggest moments of the entire year.

Of course, this news makes this recent picture that hit the internet of The Undertaker make all the sense in the world.

This would be something that would change the landscape of things very heavily, and it’s pretty obvious what his role might be. Undertaker would be interfering, more than likely, to take cost Brock Lesnar the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. With Lesnar being a face, though, you have to wonder how they would spin the Taker appearance, but something could be figured out. With Lesnar being the one to end his vaunted WrestleMania streak, it makes a good amount of sense.

Not to mention, Lesnar took out Kane this past week, who as we know is the storyline brother of The Undertaker.

From here, Undertaker and Lesnar can start a small feud that would carry over to SummerSlam, where Undertaker would look for retribution for his WrestleMania loss. All of this ties in together.

Whatever the case my be, should Falcon Arrow be correct once again with this spoiler, this will end up being one of the more memorable shows of the entire year thus far for WWE. Hopefully we get this.

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