
Dean Ambrose: Ready for WrestleMania 32 and Brock Lesnar

Since being a part of the WWE in 2011, Dean Ambrose has seen his career develop quickly. After debuting in The Shield, Ambrose has become one of the most known single’s wrestlers in the WWE Universe. Fast forward to 2016, Ambrose has a big task ahead with Brock Lesnar in his sights for WrestleMania 32. He took some time to talk to FanSided about his upcoming match, his character development, and his resentment for social media.

WrestleMania 32 is this Sunday and you are facing The Beast Brock Lesnar in a “No Holds Barred” match. In your previous WrestleMania matches, you participated in a ladder match and tag team matches. How do you prepare for this fight with not only taking on Brock Lesnar, but a singles match?

Fighting Brock Lesnar is different than fighting anyone else on the earth. He’s a freak of nature and a destructive force. Even having a physical confrontation with him is like having a match. Compared to a Hell in the Cell, TLC, Last Man Standing or any gimmick you want to throw out there being in the ring with him is different. The things he can do to you with his skill set and physical attributes it’s the most vicious thing he can do to you.

I’m trying to live life to the fullest. That’s just how I roll. You don’t know what feeling alive is like until you put yourself until you are put in a danger of death. I don’t know how it came about, but it seems like my entire life I’ve been searching for the most dangerous match possible and I think I may have found it.

In terms of preparing for this, I don’t there is anything you can do. I don’t think people understand how the kind of mental state you have to be in to go into a Street Fight with Brock Lesnar. With 100,000 people at the arena and the millions watching on the WWE Network, I don’t think I have gotten there yet. You gotta be like screw it and whatever happens, happens. I embrace the thought of living close to the edge. For me, it could be a long night but it could be the ultimate thrill or ultimate rush. I might be executed in front of the world and it’s pretty hilarious. It’s a crazy scenario and it gets me all excited just thinking about it.

I’m ready to go 24/7, that’s my thing. He’s eat, sleep, suplex, repeat but I’ve been the workhorse for the company the last year. I haven’t had time to train or relax because I’m wrestling and getting beat up every single day. I am in a constantly in a state of readiness. I’m constantly throwing punches, getting thrown around and the difference is doing it in a different location. So in some ways, it’s the same things I’ve been doing every single day.

With the injury bug hitting in the WWE at an impromptu time, you have been one of the focus of the WWE Universe and the business side as somebody they can lean on. You have been compared to Mick Foley and Brian Pillman to name a few at points in their prime. Is there any pressure being compared to those names or is it more of honor and privilege to be mentioned with those former wrestlers?

Everybody keeps comparing me to different type of people. I don’t try to be like anyone currently, or anyone previously. I don’t try to copy and mold myself as somebody that was here before me. I throw a lot of punches so they say I’m Stone Cold, I can absorb an enormous amount of pain so they call me Mick Foley. I like to yell and scream and don’t have a filter on my mouth, so I’m Terry Funk. People will call me crazy and nuts, so I’m Brian Pillman. That’s all good and fine but I’m doing what I do. I don’t try to be anything other than myself. I look in the mirror every day knowing that I’m doing things for me and no one else.

I like to think that it’s pretty nice that I get a lot of compliments from the old school guys. I think they know I’m a little of an old school guy myself and they see a little bit of what old school wrestling used to be.

It was cool for Terry Funk to come all the way to Philadelphia to film that little bit. The things they tell me make me feel good knowing that I am being myself and not trying to live up to anyone else’s career. I’m not doing this to appease what anyone else thinks. I’m being me.

The Shield was the groundbreaking for you coming into the WWE. While being in the group the focus was on the development as a team and individual character storylines weren’t the priority. Do you think splitting away from the group has helped your character better develop more of a backstory and storylines?

The Shield itself was a character. It was like a three-headed dog character. At different points, we may have tried to do individual things and go on separate routes. But at the end of the day it was just too hard and it never fully came into fruition. I think the last year where I was in a tag team with Roman Reigns is what we may have strived for. But when we were all together it wasn’t going to happen because we were just this three-headed monster. But that is why it worked so well, though, the solidarity. It seems like it was a lifetime ago.

Social media is something that has taken the WWE by storm. But you haven’t committed to it and refuse to join any of networks that are available. Has that stance changed at all or are you still refusing to resume your social media activity?

That will never change. I don’t care about social media, like social media or even understanding social media.

I don’t care plain and simple. I could care less about social media and anything that goes along with it.

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