Aaron Rodgers responds to fan who says his hard counts are ruining NFL

Aaron Rodgers responded to a fan’s letter of disapproval over the quarterback’s on-field tactics.

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is a handful to deal with on the football field. When he’s not launching Hail Mary’s, he’s often frustrating opposing defenses by drawing players offsides or catching them mid-substitution.

But the defense’s frustration pales in comparison to that of Richard Klatt from Big Bend, Wisc. Klatt’s argument? Simple. Rodgers’ “stutter counts” and quick snaps are ruining the game of football.

His entire letter to the editor from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel follows:

This letter, which includes multiple misspellings of Rodgers’ last name, takes direct aim at Rodgers’ frequent ability to induce offsides penalties on the opposing defense. But Klatt also takes umbrage with Rodgers’ quick snaps that often catch a player running off the field during a substitution.

His final plea urges the Packers to eliminate these “almost childish” tactics.

“Come on Packers, I think you’re above this kind of play. Are you?” Klatt wrote. “Can you get those 5 yards without the tricks? You’re ruining the game of football. Are our young athletes to be coached to play the game this way? I for one hope not, but then again, they’re only kids.”

Klatt’s letter caught the attention of the two-time NFL MVP, who offered up a pair of responses Friday on Twitter. They are both classic Rodgers.

Let’s applaud Rodgers for his creative hashtags of #NoHardCounts2016 and #GonnaMissStutterCounting. But let’s also consider that head injuries and constant rule changes, among many other reasons, might be ruining football more than stutter counts.

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