How to catch Pikachu in Pokemon GO

Image courtesy of Nintendo.
Image courtesy of Nintendo.

We know you want to catch ’em all, but maybe there’s one Pokemon you want more than others.

Pikachu might not have been elected as the most popular Pokemon, but we all know Pikachu is the reigning icon in our hearts. The electric mouse Pokemon has been one of the most recognizable Pokemon for the past twenty years, even though his in-game stats are only so-so.

But now that Pokemon GO has turned the traditional way of filling your Pokedex on its head, you’re probably wondering how to add one of the world’s most iconic mascots to your squad.

As is the case with the original television series and the first run of games, like Pokemon Red and Blue (or Red and Green in Japan), the first three available starters in Pokemon GO are fire-type Charmander, grass-type Bulbasaur, and water-type Squirtle.

Though it may be tempting to get started as soon as possible and start launching pokeballs at the trio, you must resist!

In order to catch Pikachu, you have to walk away from Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle. And I really mean walk. You have to leave the room, the house, the neighborhood, etc. before Pikachu appears. The trio will reappear once or twice, but stay diligent.

After you ignore the three starters, a wild Pikachu will appear and you will have the opportunity to catch it and make your first Pokemon an electric-type.

Now, if you’ve already chosen a starter that isn’t Pikachu, don’t worry. Pikachu, and the rest of the starters as well, is available to catch elsewhere in the game. As you walk around, keep an eye out for shaky grass and use luring items like incense to draw new Pokemon out. Water-type Squirtle is easiest to find around bodies of water.

To be the very best that ever was, you’ll require a lot of patience and a good pair of running shoes.

If you don’t catch Pikachu the first time, you can always keep searching and try again. Remember, Ash got electrocuted a few dozen times before he got anywhere with his special friend, too.

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