In what seems like a series of gameplay video for Mass Effect: Andromeda, the first one focuses on the combat.
Mass Effect: Andromeda is a little over a month away and we’re learning more and more about the game as we get closer to its launch. It seems like the official YouTube channel for Mass Effect is releasing a series of gameplay clips. First up, the combat.
In Andromeda, you’ll play as the Pathfinder and you’ll have a huge galaxy to explore. The combat and action is in third-person. It is said to be very fast-paced, but at the same time, very fluid. In the new video, we learn more about the weapons and skills.
What we see from the gameplay definitely confirms not only the fluidity of combat, but how much freedom you have. The movement seems almost natural thanks to the jump-jet, which helps you hover, or jump back and forth between enemies or cover objects. Almost anything can be used as cover, which is interesting.
Their seems to be a heavy focus on how the player is able to approach certain situations, which is awesome. Depending on your play-style, the enhancements in gameplay give the player that kind of freedom. You can be tactical about certain objectives, or you can jump right into the action. Or, you can simply be a combination of both.
Check out the new gameplay video below:
Speaking more on the weapons, there are four classes of weapons. There are pistols, shotguns, snipers/assault rifles, and melee weapons. You won’t have any restrictions to the player. Depending on what you feel like using, you simply switch to that weapon and get back to work.
The customization options for the weapons also seem unique. Each offer something different to combat, so it’ll be essential to keep an eye on that.
When it comes to skills, there are three categories. Combat skills are more for individual efforts. They improve your character as a whole. If you want to benefit and help the entire squad, you can switch to tech skills. They focus on more strategic tactics.
Finally, biotics. You basically control dark energy. Is there anything else you need to know?
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Mass Effect: Andromeda launches on March 21, 2017.