Joey Chestnut just ate 72 hot dogs, is somehow still alive

Credit: ESPN
Credit: ESPN /

Joey Chestnut continues to be the world’s greatest eater, which is the most American thing we can take pride in.

For the tenth time in his competitive eating career, American chowhound Joey Chestnut has won the Nathan’s Hot Dog contest on Coney Island. It’s an annual tradition that fully embraces, jaws wide open, the notion that Americans are all about eating way too much and not caring.

Nothing personifies that more than the celebration of a guy who eats a lot of hot dogs. Chestnut crammed 72 hot dogs down his gullet on Tuesday, setting a new world record and breaking the previous number of 70 — a record set by him two years ago.

He started his record-setting afternoon by entering the competition like a boss.

Theatricality is a powerful tool of intimidation but it was a fitting introduction to what would happen. Joey Chestnut domination was inevitable.

Can’t stop, won’t stop.

Mmmmmm, nitrates.

There could be some mild controversy over the final hot dog count. It looked like he was going to finish with 71 but was given another dog at the buzzer. The tale of the tape suggests this count is correct but does it even matter? We’re splitting hairs when it comes to a point where we are debating a dude eating 71 hot dogs versus 72.

It’s Joey Chestnut’s world, we’re just eating in it.
