Nearly nine years into a prison sentence, O.J. Simpson will be paroled and Twitter reacted.
The world was watching on Thursday during O.J. Simpson’s parole hearing to shorten a 33-year prison sentence on charges attached to a botched attempt to get memorabilia back that belonged to him. (In the words of the law, a robbery.)
Nine years into that sentence, and with all indications pointing to his being a model prisoner, Simpson had a solid case to be paroled. He also recently turned 70 years old, which, right or wrong, stood to work in his favor as an unlikely candidate to be a repeat offender.
The parole board fast-tracked a decision on Simpson, due to the high level of attention on him and the situation. A verdict that granted him parole was reached and the earliest Simpson can be a free man is Oct. 1.
As a central figure at the dawn of today’s 24-7 news cycle, one of our instant-reaction mediums reacted to Simpson being granted parole. From funny to somber to easy cliches, here’s a sampling of what Twitter had to say.
Donald Trump is in the White House and O.J. Simpson is out of jail, I think someone is trying to tell us something
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) July 20, 2017
O.J. Simpson killed two people. It's sickening he'll be free. At the same time, I think this parole board made the proper call. Anyone else?
— Richard Deitsch (@richarddeitsch) July 20, 2017
If NCAA was ruling on today’s O.J. Simpson parole hearing, we’d be waiting another 3 years for a ruling
— Brett McMurphy (@Brett_McMurphy) July 20, 2017
Show officially starts October 2nd.
— The Pickle (@sportspickle) July 20, 2017
Betcha O.J. Simpson gets signed by an NFL team this season before Kaepernick does. #OJSimpsonParole #NFL #JuiceisLoose #FreeOJ
— sleepyfollow (@504Brah) July 20, 2017
Great! Now Simpson can resume the hunt for the killer or killers of Ron and Nicole.#OJSimpsonParole
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) July 20, 2017
1995: "If that glove don't fit, you must acquit!"
— Jonathan Gumble 🐧Do The WADDLE!🐧 & 🐬⬆️ Always! (@STOP_Gumbytime) July 20, 2017
2017: "If the case is old, you must be paroled!"#OJSimpsonParole
If OJ comes out as Anti-Trump he will be hosting SNL by November. #OJSimpsonParole
— Aaron American (@aaronamerican) July 20, 2017
#OJSimpsonParole Also, Simpson announced thru his atty that he is getting remarried, stating that he's "ready to take another stab at it."
— Kevin Carlson (@skoobeedont) July 20, 2017
The Juice is loose!😂#OJSimpsonParole
— latoya (@toya1181) July 20, 2017
Of course Simpson gained notoriety, and infamy, when he was acquitted at trial for the June 1994 murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown-Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.
Related Story: O.J. Simpson granted parole after a nine-year stay
No matter where you fall on the guilt or innocence spectrum, it’s clear Simpson still moves the needle. An FX drama show about the murder trial, an incredibly well-done ESPN 30 for 30 film and now networks arriving to cover and air a parole hearing proved it very recently. No matter where he goes from here, “The Juice” will not fade away from the limelight.