Many fans of basketball don’t view superstar and face of the league LeBron James in a very kind light. He was once the golden child of the NBA, and during his time in Cleveland he was lauded universally as the next Micheal Jordan. But as soon as he spurned the city, it’s fan and the team he had played for his entire carer for the bright lights of Miami, the world turned on him.
Even alleged terrorists don’t think highly of James.
According to a note released via Navy Lieutenant Commander Kevin Bogucki, who is a defense lawyer for suspected terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, people who are allegedly trying to kill Americans are taking pause to sympathize with the city of Cleveland for being burned so badly by James when he left in 2010.
Muhammad Rahim al Afghani penned a note during his time at the military prison, blasting LeBron James for leaving Cleveland the way he did and he went as far as to say LeBron James needs to say sorry.
“LeBron James is a very bad man. He should apologize to the city of Cleveland,” Bogucki said, quoting the note written by Rahim al Afghani. Because all documents that come from Guantanamo stay at Guantanamo, only portions of Rahim al Afghani’s note was released to the greater public. However, for a certain period of time, LeBron James was showing up in “top secret” classified government documents.
Rahim al Afghani has not been formally charged with any crimes against the United States (insert Guantanamo Bay joke/remark here), but he was interrogated by the CIA for his close ties to Osama bin Laden and high ranking officials of Al-Queda.
Bogucki didn’t say when the note was written, but he did say that for the last few months, LeBron James has been a Top Secret of National Security.
“It took that classification authority approximately two months to determine that my client’s opinion of LeBron James did not pose a grievous threat to national security,” said Bogucki.
The reason James was deemed a “Top Secret” profile is due to the fact that everything that is spoken or written by a detainee of Guantanamo Bay is classified and goes straight to the top, so to say, until a government Security Classification Team determines that what was written or said isn’t detrimental to the safety of the country.
For haters of LeBron, the ammunition doesn’t come any grander than people who blow themselves up and fly planes into buildings full of people saying not even they would spurn their home town in favor of a greater opportunity.
But all is well, as the country is safe, Osama bin Laden and most of his less flattering associates are dead or captured, life is moving on quite swell and LeBron James is no longer a top secret of the U.S. government.