Man Gets Ball Stuck Behind Rim During Half-Court Shot Contest (Video)
By Josh Hill
When you’re about to attempt a half-court shot with $1,000 riding on the line, there are more than a few things going through your head. One of the things likely notgoing through your head is the possibility that said ball being shot from half-court will become lodged between the rim and the backboard.
But that’s exactly what happened to “Kevin”, an Atlanta Hawks fan who was given the chance to shoot a ball form half-court for the chance to win $1,000 dollars.
Being able to somehow get the ball stuck the way Kevin did in of itself deserves $1,000 but might be getting nothing. As has been pointed out, the contest was called “Money Shot”, and while Kevin’s shot was without a doubt an incredibly whacky shot it wasn’t quite on the money.
Let’s just hope that the judges that were consulted aren’t strict at all, and that Kevin walked away with something more than just a memory for that shot. As the PA announcer jokingly pointed out, if Kevin doesn’t get the $1,000 — which he certainly will since the ball did eventually go in– at the very least he’s going to be on SportsCenter.
Besides, upon further review, Kevin’s foot was over the half-court stripe, so he’d better take that money and run.