Two College Students Snuck Into Super Bowl XLVII (Video)

Mandatory Credit: Crystal LoGiudice-USA TODAY Sports
Mandatory Credit: Crystal LoGiudice-USA TODAY Sports /
Mandatory Credit: Crystal LoGiudice-USA TODAY Sports
Mandatory Credit: Crystal LoGiudice-USA TODAY Sports /

Have you ever wanted to go to the Super Bowl and not pay a dime to do so? Well two students from Savannah State came up with a master plan to sneak into the Superdome in New Orleans and attend Super Bowl XLVII absolutely free — and they filmed the whole thing.

This story really has two or three sides to it. The first and most obvious is that if two college students can sneak into the Super Bowl, which is one of the most heavily guarded events in America, what does that say about the security efforts that are really being put forth to keep everyone attending safe. Terrorism is a dangerous buzz word, but in case you didn’t know, most terrorists aren’t idiots and if college kids from Savannah State can do it, who’s to say someone with deadly intents can’t.

But while that’s the dark and not so fun angle to the story, the story of two kids sneaking into the Super Bowl is pretty incredible. USA Today chronicled their adventure, which really seemed so easy it almost had to have been staged.

"To start, they walked past more than a dozen police officers who were manning a street barricade, drawing almost no attention to themselves. It proves that acting like you belong is always an effective way of fitting in. Later, the pair navigated tunnels, snuck into a door by acting like they were wheeling in video equipment and mingled in large groups before casually walking through doors that led to the field.-USA Today"

While it’s a great story, the two students are likely going to get in some trouble from all angles. First off, they have police to worry about and then they have their school that could punish them. But the students need to really watch out for the NFL who don’t hesitate to crush anyone they deem fit, including their own players.

If Roger Goodell and the NFL thumb their noses at their players, what do you think they’re going to do to a dup of college kids that outsmarted them on one of the most embarrassing nights of the current regime.

It’s not like these kids can deny they did it — they posted a video on YouTube of the whole, brilliant incident.

But as Chris Chase from USA Today pointed out, the biggest crime was these two kids revealing their secret to the world in a video like a magician revealing his trick to his audience. Nothing should happen to these kids, they beat the system, they didn’t hurt anyone and if they attended the game, chances are they paid money at some point on food or memorabilia.

We love Super Bowl stories we’ve never heard before and while there may have been people who have snuck into the Super Bowl before, nobody has laid out a blueprint on video as to how to actually do it.