Mike Krzyzewski Not Happy Over Virginia Rushing Court After 73-68 Upset Win
By Josh Hill
Duke has been the victim of more than one court rush this season, and it’s starting to bother the great Mike Krzyzewski. After the Blue Devils suffered their latest upset loss, Coach K told the press that it’s “cool” that the other team won but students should remain seated and not rush the court until Duke is good and ready to leave for the locker room.
“Whatever you’re doing, you need to get the team off first,” Krzyzewski said, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “Look, celebrate, have fun, obviously you won, that’s cool. Just get our team off the court and our coaching staff before students come on.”
This isn’t the first time Coach K has spoken up on the matter of students rushing the court after big wins. When Duke picked up a win over North Carolina earlier in February, Coach K was seen raising his hands as if he was trying to stop students attempting to rush the court. We didn’t really know what he was doing at the time, but his comments after losing to Virginia help put the hand raising incident into context.
Krzyzewski insists that he’s simply watching out for players and coaches and isn’t trying to make this about anything else.
“Look do you know how close you are to, just put yourself in the position of one of our players or coaches.” Coach K said. “I’m not saying any fan did this, but the potential is there all the time for a fan to just go up to you and say, ‘Coach you’re a … ‘ or push you or hit you. And what do you do? What if you did something? That would be the story. We deserve that type of protection.”