GIF: Louisville’s Kevin Ware Suffers Brutal Broken Leg
By Josh Sanchez
You never like to see players get injured, especially in college when players are not receiving a paycheck. During Sunday afternoon’s game between No. 2 seed Duke and No. 1 overall seed Louisville, Cardinals player Kevin Ware suffered one of the most devastating and disgusting leg injuries that you have ever seen.
Ware went up to block a shot and when he came down his leg buckled under him and carnage ensued.
If you didn’t immediately see the injury, the look on the Louisville players faces said it all. The injury happened right in front of them and all of the players cringed and turned their backs to Ware with a few players even vomiting.
If you want to see a GIF of the injury, you can click here. If you are really brave, watch the video here. But as a very STRONG WARNING, the injury is gruesome and not for those with a weak stomach. There is a reason we refuse to post the GIF directly on the site, and that is so those who watch it make a conscious decision that they are about to witness a terrifying injury.
Here was his teammates reaction:
Ware’s injury was the worst that I have ever scene. When he landed, his leg folded in half and his bone was sticking out of his skin. It was awful. Truly devastating and everyone on the Louisville bench was taken back.
There were tears shed, but a game still to be played.
It is instances like this that make us all realize college athletes deserve to be paid.
We wish Ware a full and speedy recovery and our thoughts and prayers go out to the young man who was playing so well.