New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez has been known for two things recently: 1) the butt fumble and 2) his European soccer influenced headband. However, now the Jets quarterback is creating a new buzz on social media with his new look.
Sanchez broke out a sweet Fu manchu mustache in his most recent appearance and you can’t help but notice that he looks like a couple of popular television characters.
Who does the Jets quarterback look like? Well, if you remember Lawrence from Office Space, you know exactly what Sanchez’s new look is all about.
If you don’t believe us, check it out:

You can’t deny what your eyes tell you.
There are also some people out there saying that Sanchez’s new look is close to White Goodman from Dodgeball, but we’d have to give Lawrence the edge in the celebrity lookalike category. In Goodman’s favor, however, he would be the choice in the Best Arm category, so he gets the win there.
For Sanchez, it’s bad news when you are in the headlines more for your look than your play on the field, but he can feel comfortable in knowing that the rookie behind him on the depth chart is banged up and struggling even worse than he is.
At least he has that sweet ‘stache to comfort him.