Tommy Morrison, ex-boxing champ, dies at age 44

Photo via the New York Times
Photo via the New York Times

Former boxing world champion Tommy Morrison passed away late Sunday night at the age of 44. It is reported that Morrison died after respiratory and organ failure that came from his battle with Miller Fisher Syndrome. In 2006, Morrison was suspended by the Nevada State Athletic Commission after it was discovered that he was carrying the HIV virus.

Morrison’s former promoter Tony Holden confirmed the sad news.

It’s true,” said Holden, via the Tulsa World. “He was with his wife Trisha when he passed.”

On top of being a world champion in boxing — a title that he took from George Foreman in 1993 — he was a star alongside Sylvester Stallone in the ever popular Rocky V. He played Rocky’s protege Tommy Gunn in the film.

Following the discovery of his HIV virus, Morrison held a big press conference on ESPN to address the situation.

“To my family and my friends, I wish that there was somehow a way that I could go through this by myself,” Morrison said. “I’m sorry that I’ve had to drag you guys through this with me. Many times in my life, I’ve had to pick myself up off the floor. This has certainly been one of those times.”

“If there’s anyone out there that feels they’ve come in contact with me either directly or indirectly, I would encourage them to get themselves tested for their own sake and certainly for their own peace of mind,” Morrison added. `There were a number of sparring partners out there that I worked with, and more importantly, the young ladies that I’ve been involved with. . . . My prayers go out to them nightly and their families in hopes that everything will be OK.” 

Our thoughts and condolences go out to Morrison’s family and friends.