Arizona Diamondbacks are upset with the Los Angeles Dodgers celebration (video)
By David Miniel
If you haven’t heard the news yet, the Los Angeles Dodgers clinched the National League West by defeating the Arizona Diamondbacks yesterday.
It’s a normal thing for teams to celebrate after clinching playoff spots like this. There’s always champagne, a couple budweisers here and there and of course an outrageous celebration.
Now yesterday a couple members of the Dodgers weren’t done celebrating as they raced through the club house, through the outfield which lead them hopping the fence and jumping into the pool Arizona has behind their right field fence.
I’m a fan of the Chicago Cubs, I’ve said it nearly 100 times and I’ll continue to say it. I don’t see a problem with this celebration, but apparently the Arizona Diamondbacks found it disrespectful.
Why is it disrespectful? The team just clinched the division in YOUR stadium, I’m sure if they would have gotten naked and went to the bathroom in the pool you would have a valid reason to be upset. But since the Diamondbacks lost the division, they had to become sore losers.
Plus, I live in Arizona and I’m close to the Diamondbacks stadium so I know how hot it is in this state. Yesterday it was around 102 degrees and both teams just played nine innings of baseball IN THE HEAT! So I don’t blame them for wanting to dive into the pool, I probably would have done the same thing if I attended that baseball game.
Anyways, Diamondbacks need to get over it and move on. Congratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers and best of luck to them in the post-season.
Here’s a video of the celebration.