Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports
Mike Ditka, former head coach of the Chicago Bears and a commentator for ESPN, has traded in his blue collar and brats for the whine and cheese of the GOP.
Ditka said this week that he should have run against President Barrack Obama in the 2004 Illinois Senate race, calling it “the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.”
Ditka was speaking at an oil company event (shocking that Republicans have oil company events) in Watford City, N.D. Speaking might be a generous term for Ditka, who has trouble enunciating anything without spitting in the process.
Illinois Republicans tabbed Ditka in 2004 as a potential candidate for the U.S. Senate after the Republican nominee, Jack Ryan, stepped down amid charges involving sex clubs.
"“Not that I would have won, but I probably would have and he wouldn’t be in the White House,” Ditka told the Dickinson Press."
After Ditka said no, the Illinois GOP picked political activist Alan Keyes, who lost to Obama in a landslide.
Perhaps had Ditka run and won he could have been in better position to institute “Ditkacare” for all the veteran NFL players who face rising medical costs and no NFL-issued medical coverage.