Phoenix Suns’ ridiculous t-shirt gun (Photo)
By Mike Dyce
The Phoenix Suns gorilla mascot got a new “toy.” Apparently the old single barrel way of distributing t-shirts to the fans in the upper deck wasn’t enough. The Gorilla wanted to be more generous and get to more fans, so he got this monstrosity.
That is a huge t-shirt gatling gun, which I believe is called the “Gorilla Gatling Gun.” Aside from the spinning chambers of t-shirts that can be pre-loaded and then fired at fans rapidly, it looks like it is double barreled.
One of the barrels is longer than the other, I don’t know if that has an effect on the trajectory. The long barrel and the double barrel could be in place to aim for different decks, just a thought.
Seriously though, how ridiculous yet awesome is this t-shirt gun. The Gorilla is definitely making mascots everywhere jealous. How long before we see a Gorilla trash talk video where he is asking other mascots to “say hello to his little friend?”