Violence among fans has become sort of synonymous in California, as whether you go to a baseball game or a football game, chances are you might encounter some real life danger. This latest case of fan violence happened away from a football stadium but nevertheless involved the San Francisco 49ers, lots of alcohol and a handgun.
According to the Fresno Bee, a 49ers fan named Amado Vargas was apparently being razzed in his home while he was watching the NFC Championship game. The accusation was that Vargas was a new 49ers fan, which translates to being a bandwagon fan. Rather than take the ribbing as mere drunken trash talking, the Bee reports that Vargas grabbed a knife and started attacking his accusers and when the knife was taken from him, he went to his safe and grabbed a gun.
"Vargas allegedly charged into a room that had a gun safe, took out a handgun and fired multiple shots, with two hitting the victims, Lolkus said. The suspect then fled in a black car with family members."
Police were interviewed for the report and stated, unsurprisingly, that alcohol played factor in the shooting. Vargas was arrested at a local hospital after being admitted for stab wounds suffered in the initial scrum, while the two men he shot were treated for leg wounds.