The decision to play the Super Bowl in cold weather brought about concerns for the game and the audience. It could impact the quality of the game and make the crowd, that paid a lot of money for seats, uncomfortable. It also means something else, that there will be no blimps.
“It’s all the stuff that surrounds cold weather, the conditions that happen to make snow, ice, even rain,” spokesman Shane Winn said, via Jim Baumbach of Newsday. “All of those things add to the risk of flying because they can add considerable weight to the airships. It makes flights treacherous. . . .
“They’re not up here. If MetLife could put its blimp up in the air here during Super Bowl week here in New York and New Jersey, we would do it.”
Goodyear’s blimps are also not in town, they’re in Florida and California for a golf tournament and a basketball game.