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NFL logos as European soccer badges Part III (Photos)

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A group of designers in Minneapolis came up with this Football as Football project where they redesigned all 32 NFL logos as if they were European football logos. The project has four phases overall, and will release badges for all the teams with an English, Spanish, Italian, and German version.

So far there have been two phases and they wisely decided to release the third one during Super Bowl week, on Super Bowl media day no less. Last week was a little bit slower and might have been better, but you can’t fault them for trying to capitalize on the NFL attention.

They have an interactive website where you can see all the badges and it is worth checking out. It is fun to look at them and try to identify which European club they match.

For instance, compare the Jaguars English inspired crest with Premier League team Sunderland

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To view the rest of Phase III, head over to Football as Football.