WWE Elimination Chamber 2014 results: Batista defeats Alberto Del Rio (GIF)

WWE Elimination Chamber will be LIVE on Sunday, February 23rd.

The last match before the main event is Batista taking on Alberto Del Rio. Batista comes out first and Del Rio come out with a neck brace on and one crutch in a full track suit. He manages to get into the ring and gets a microphone handed to him.

Del Rio says because of the attack on him by Batista two weeks ago he can’t compete. Then he hits Batista repeatedly with the crutch before shedding the track suit to reveal he is in full gear and ready to go. He is still beating him with the crutch and is smirking in the ring while Batista tries to work to his feet.

The referee is checking on Batista and Del Rio is calling for the bell to ring to start the match. It finally does. Batista comes out swinging getting the advantage early on.

There are little Mexican flags on top of each post in each corner. Del Rio throws Batista into the corner post, then locks in an arm cross on the rope. He gets in the ring and stomps on Batista lying on the mat in the corner.

The crowd is chanting “Daniel Bryan” and then “CM Punk” as Del Rio goes to work on Batista’s arm.

Batista works to his feet and trades blows with Del Rio as the crowd boos Batista’s surge and cheers for Del Rio when he ends it.

Now they’re chanting “Y2J.”

Del Rio jumps off the turn buckle feet first onto Batista. The match is slow as Batista writhes around in pain as Del Rio waits for him to get up. When he does, Del Rio kicks him in the back of the head and goes for a pin but Batista grabs the rope. Del Rio slides and drop kicks Batista out of the ring.

Now the crowd is chanting “we want Lesnar.”

Batista back in the ring hits Del Rio with a spear and tries to pin him, but Alberto kicks out. Batista has the upper hand and the crowd is booing heavily. Del Rio lands a backstabber on Batista and goes for a pin but Batista kicks out. The crowd sounds uninterested booing and chanting “boring.”

Del Rio jumps off the top rope landing on his back after Batista rolls out of the way. Batista lands a slam and goes for a power bomb but Del Rio counters and takes out Batista’s knee then kicks him in the back of the head and goes for another pin but Batista kicks out.

Del Rio holding a fist in the air chanting “Si.” He goes for the cross arm breaker but Batista counters and lands the Batista Bomb. Batista pins and wins.

GIFs are courtesy of @FanSidedGIF and Zombie Prophet.

Rest of the match card:

  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match

Matches that have concluded: