WWE Elimination Chamber will be LIVE on Sunday, February 23rd.
Sheamus and Cesaro start the Elimination Chamber main event with John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, and Christian in the chambers. Sheamus has been getting the best of Cesaro working on him. Cesaro gets the upper hand and flips him over the rope. Cesaro whips off the rope to come at Sheamus but he jumps over and drives his shoulder into him.
Sheamus gets Cesaro on the ropes and goes for his famous chops. Sheamus then clotheslines Cesaro. Sheamus is laying on the steel outside the ring and Cesaro jumps off the turn buckle onto him, feet to the gut. Sheamus kicks out a following pin.
Cesaro works on Sheamus in the corner and Cesaro mocks Cena in the Chamber behind that post. The two exchange blows and Sheamus goes to the top rope, Cesaro stops him and climbs up to the top as the clock goes down to zero and a new entrant emerges.
It is Daniel Bryan who runs to the turn buckle and drop kicks both Cesaro and Sheamus. He then whips Cesaro off the rope and hits him with a shoulder. He kicks Sheamus who throws him into the corner and Bryan runs up the turn buckle and flips over. Sheamus and Cesaro are kneeling while Bryan kicks both of them.
Sheamus recovers while Bryan is focused on Cesaro and recovers, but Bryan locks in a lock on Sheamus. Cesaro goes to break it up, which doesn’t make sense. Bryan reverses and is simultaneously pinning Cesaro and holding the lock on Sheamus but he doesn’t eliminate anyone.
Bryan gets taken out and now Sheamus is working on Cesaro while Bryan lays on the mat. Sheamus is laying on the steel while Cesaro drives his head into the steel. Cesaro gets sent into the cage by Bryan. Bryan goes to whip Cesaro, but he reverses sending Bryan through what was his chamber.
Cesaro and Sheamus are trading upper cuts, the Sheamus does the shoulder roll onto the steel floor. He tries to pin Cesaro but it doesn’t work out. Now Sheamus is kicking Bryan in the ring then goes to the turn buckle. Bryan stops him and climbs to the top when the clock goes to zero. The next entrant is Christian.
Christian starts working on Bryan’s shoulder while Cesaro and Sheamus lay outside the ring. Christian throws Bryan through the rope onto the steel. He then throws Bryan shoulder first into the cage repeatedly. He rips off the protective covering form Bryan’s shoulder and hits it repeatedly.
He climbs the turn buckle and jumps off onto Bryan when he stands up. He goes for the pin but Bryan kicks out.
Bryan is regaining momentum and lands some kicks. Bryan runs at Christian in the corner, but he ducks and Bryan finds an empty corner.
Sheamus is back working on Christian sending him into the cage wall repeatedly. Sheamus then lifts Christian up onto his shoulder but Christian reverses.
Cesaro goes up and grabbed Christian going for a swing, but Christian reversed and went for a kill switch. Some how Christian ended up high on the wall, jumps off but Cesaro catches him. Cesaro throws Christian into a pod and then goes for a pin but Christian kicks out.
Cesaro and Sheamus are working on one another once again. They’re suing a piece of the plexiglass as a weapon. Cesaro slams Sheamus onto the glass on the steel. Everyone is lying on the floor when the fifth man enters and it is John Cena.
That means Randy Orton will enter last.
Cena picks up Christian and uses him as a weapon against Cesaro. Cena climbs the turnbuckle, and Bryan comes up and counters throwing him off. Bryan hits Cena with the Yes kicks.
Christian comes up and hits Bryan with the Killswitch and goes for the pin but Bryan kicks out. Cesaro gets up and goes for the spin, but Cena breaks it up and sends Christian flying in the process then he slams Christian.
Cena goes for the “you can’t see me” but Sheamus comes up and hits him with the White Noise, the pin doesn’t work. Now it is Sheamus and Cesaro trading upper cuts again. Cesaro goes for the neutralizer but Sheamus counters, than Christian hits Cesaro with a tornado DDT but Cesaro kicks out of the pin. Christian then gets lifted over the ropes by Cena who throws him into the rope.
Cesaro throws Cena high in the air and gets caught in the chin with Cesaro’s shoulder.
Cena kicks out of the pin. Bryan, Cesaro and Cena are trading kicks.Now Bryan is working on Cesaro while Cena works on Sheamus. Cena gets Cesaro in the Attitude Adjustment but Bryan breaks it up. Now it is getting crazy.
Sheamus throws Bryan into the cage. Then Cesaro suplexes Sheamus off the top turn buckle.
Orton then enters and no one has been eliminated yet. Orton is running around stomping everyone who is lying on the mat.
Everyone is out and Orton points at the WrestleMania logo and poses. He still hasn’t eliminated anyone, he goes to punt Bryan, but he moves out of the way and everyone stands up and Orton is cornered. Orton then locks himself back in the chamber while the WWE crowd chants a certain slang term for a female body part and wuss at him. Orton is taunting Sheamus who brogue kicks Orton through the pod.
He then throws Orton into the cage and over the rope and into the ring. Cena slams him and hits Orton with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cesaro interrupts before he hits him with the Attitude Adjustment. He then gets Orton in the swing and gets in 30 swings before letting Orton go.
Bryan takes advantage, but Sheamus hits Bryan immediately after.
Now Shamus is the only man standing. He waits for Christian to get up and goes for the Brogue Kick but he ducks and Cena receives it instead. Christian tries to roll up Sheamus but he kicks out. Sheamus tries to lift Christian for a slam, but he escapes and climbs to the top of the pod.
Orton comes up after them and Orton slams Sheamus off the top turn buckle. Christian hits a splash onto Sheamus off the top of the pod and then eliminates Sheamus.
Bryan hits Christian with a knee and then pins and eliminates him.
Now Bryan and Cena are going at it. Bryan gets an S-lock in. Cena gets out and goes for an AA but Cesaro suplexes them both before he can. Cesaro tries to pin Cena but he kicks out. Cena gets locked in the gut wrench, but Cena counters. He goes for AA but Cesaro grabs top rope Cena flips him over. Cena then brings Cesaro in and gets him to tap out with the stepover-toehold-facelock.
Then the power goes out and the Wyatt video comes on. The Wyatts are in the chamber and Orton cheap shots Cena. The Wyatt Family then goes to work on Cena. Bray Wyatt hits John Cena with the Sister Abigail.
Orton then eliminates John Cena leaving him and Bryan as the only two left. The Wyatts leave the Chamber as security and referees come down. Kane comes down and gets in Bray Wyatt’s face. Wyatt spins around and does this upside down stare at him.
Now the crowd is chanting “you sold out.”
Kane goes in to check on Cena. Bryan jumps off top turn buckle and hits Kane with a knee. Orton throws Cena into a pod and goes for a suplex off the top turn buckle but Bryan counters and hangs Orton upside down while landing the yes kicks.
Bryan gets Orton back upright and climbs the turn buckle and hits a side suplex off the top rope. Bryan goes for the pin but Orton kicks out. Bryan climbs the turn buckle and Orton shakes the ropes to counter. Orton delivers a DDT with Bryan’s feet on the second rope. Orton does his snake thing goes for an RKO but Bryan counters. He whips off the rope and knocks out Orton with a knee to the face.
Bryan gets the pin and looks like he won but Kane pulls the referee.
Orton then hits Bryan with an RKO and goes for the pin, but Bryan kicked out of the pin. The crowd is chanting “Yes!”
Orton goes to pick Bryan up but gets rolled into a pin, Orton kicks out. Bryan then kicks Orton in the side of the head. It is a race to see who gets to their feet first. Bryan is up in the corner but Kane punches Bryan and Orton hits an RKO on Bryan.
Orton then pins Bryan retain his WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
GIFs are courtesy of @FanSidedGIF and Zombie Prophet.
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