On February 9th, everything changed and the conversation about gay athletes really increased. Of course that was going to happen because that is the day that Michael Sam came out to the world.
With that news, seemingly every NFL player active or not has been asked about how they would handle a gay teammate or if they had gay teammates during their time. We are being naive to suggest that there have been no gay players before Michael Sam and most of the retired players have echoed that sentiment.
Kirk Cousins was speaking to at a High School in Grand Rapids, MI on Friday and was asked about this very subject. Here is what he had to say per MLive.com:
"“Now, there are a lot of teammates in my locker room right now who may not have a homosexual lifestyle, but they have sins, too,” Cousins said. “They’re not perfect. So I don’t say they can’t help us win. Nobody’s perfect.“"
Well Kirk is right in saying that no one is perfect. The way he worded this may be a bit clunky but I understand his point. Cousins is a devout Christian and he is not the only person to feel this way.
His opinion should be respect on this issue as well.