Australian League Football player’s teeth go flying after vicious hit (Video) /

The NFL has nothing on the Australian League when it comes to nasty football hitting, as evidenced on Saturday during a match between the West Coast Eagles and the Collingwood Football Club.

No helmets, no pads, and now for the Eagles’ Elliot Yeo, no teeth, after colliding with Collingwood’s Jarrod Witts.

Check out the video of the hit below, and see if your teeth don’t rattle just watching it.

[H/T –]

And here is a great close-up of the teeth doing their aerial trick.

And the aftermath…

No worries, right?

You aren’t the only who was impressed with Yeo’s toughness following such a gruesome injury. After the hit Yeo stayed in the game and continued to play, finishing with 19 disposals, earning the praise of his coach.

“I think he rates himself too with the looks, so he’s going to have to get that fixed pretty quick,’’ Eagles coach Adam Simpson said, via the Herald Sun. “I don’t know if he was in a hell of a lot of pain or not, but he didn’t seem to take a backward step after it.

“We’ve been impressed with Elliot’s role in the last few weeks, we’ve exploited him through the midfield and we feel like it’s adding some flexibility and some size in there and he’s only going to grow from that.’’

Yeo seems to be in good spirits about the incident and handling it with some humor, tweeting out: “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth…

The good news is that the roots of the two teeth remained in place and will be fitted with caps. Normally Yeo wears a mouth guard but didn’t have one in for this play, so let that be a lesson to all the kids playing contact sports out there.