Brutal hit knocks AFL player out cold (Video)


The Australian Football League is basically a mix of American Football and Rugby on an oval shaped field. Like Rugby, the AFL athletes do not wear any helmets, padding, or protective covering whatsoever besides an athletic cup.

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With the NFL’s push to make the sport safer than ever by making certain dangerous hits illegal, better concussion protocols, and new helmets, one would think that other similar leagues would attempt to follow suit in order to protect their athletes.

Unfortunately, that is simply not the case in Rugby or the AFL, and the video below is what can result.

On Tuesday night, in a Foxtel Cup match between the Eagles and Norwood, teammates Brant Colledge and Scott Lycett collided very late in the match. As the ball was in the air, Lycett jumped up to catch it and kneed his teammate directly in the face.

The impact of the hit sent Colledge’s mouthpiece flying as he was knocked unconscious. Check out the brutal hit in the video below:

According to AFL’s website, Colledge will be okay:

"West Coast midfielder Brant Colledge has been cleared of serious facial damage after a sickening last-minute collision in the Foxtel Cup match with Norwood on Tuesday night.Remarkably, the only injuries Colledge sustained was a laceration under his eye and a mild concussion. The Eagles confirmed he suffered no facial fractures or other injuries, but he will have a few quiet days as he recovers."

Obviously it is great news that Colledge is alright, but maybe it is time for the AFL to consider some sort of padding or helmets to avoid serious injuries in the future.