Today, Triple H held a conference call with select wrestling media to talk about the NXT Takeover special exclusively on the WWE Network.
NXT is the developmental promotion for young future WWE stars to hone their craft in building a foundation to launch them to WWE’s main roster. Performers promoted from NXT Adam Rose, Bo Dallas, and current WWE Diva’s Champion Paige, all recently made their main roster debuts.
Triple H kicked off the call by expressing that he is excited for the young guys to show the world what they can do and hopefully show the media that the future of the WWE is in good shape.
The call was opened up for questions and the first caller asked if the audience can expect more live NXT specials on the network and whether they would be a regular thing, with the success of NXT Arrival.
Here are a few takeaways from the full call recap by
Regarding the first question:
"Triple H said that he doesn’t know if they will be monthly, but never say never with WWE. He said he is happy where they are and Arrival was a great success. He noted that Vince McMahon even noted that they have launched a brand in NXT. With that said, he doesn’t want to lose track of what NXT is, and that is getting talent ready. He said that quarterly is probably how it will work out."
The same caller asked Triple H if he was pleased with the transition of performers from NXT to WWE’s main roster and if that transition is difficult:
"H said that yes, it’s a difficult transition. Just because something works in Orlando, doesn’t mean it will translate before a big WWE crowd. He said you can’t forget that there is a transition from NXT to WWE as well. He mentioned Cesaro and how a year or so, he was working at NXT while he was on the main roster. H said when he saw Cesaro work in NXT, he would tell him to do the same thing when he is on RAW and SmackDown and Cesaro knew he was working differently on the big roster.Overall, he is very happy with NXT and how they are taking over, and that is why he used the name Takeover. He said they won’t all be home runs, but it’s ridiculous to think that."
Another caller asked about the use of WWE main roster stars down in NXT to help younger talent and the brand:
"H said that when he can use a WWE star that isn’t in a big storyline up there, and he can bring them down to NXT, he will because the main roster folks can help the young talent. He talked about using Tyson Kidd, because he believes in him and he’s talented. He has been hurt and not used, but he is on Total Divas and he wants to give him a chance on NXT. Maybe it could reinvigorate his career. NXT is about making stars and that is his goal."
The ‘NXT Takeover’ special airs tomorrow night at 8PM ET exclusively on the WWE Network.
Full recap of the conference call can be seen here.