The NBA season is over and we’re already entering the free agnecy circus. Where will Carmelo Anthony sign? Will LeBron James opt out of his deal and leave the Miami Heat?
Everyone has an opinion.
That also includes Boston Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo, who explained his views while appearing on ESPN’s “Numbers Never Lie” on Thursday. He thinks that it will be difficult for the Heat to sign players with the three large contracts and that LeBron should have his doubts about playing with the other Heat stars.
“I definitely think he should have some doubts [about the Heat], especially the way they played in the Finals,” Rondo said, via Dime Magazine. “It doesn’t look to great how they ended the season. It’s not about making the Finals for those guys, it’s about winning them…
“If I was LeBron I might have some doubts about staying in Miami… I don’t think he had any help in the Finals. How good do they get from now? Where do they go now? As far as the cap room, if everybody opts in everybody’s making $20 million next year as far as the Big Three. You have two or three million dollars to spend; who wants to go play for a minimum-level [contract]? It’ll be tough to get guys there to play.
“The way [Dwyane Wade] showed up in the Finals, I might have some doubts if I were LeBron. My sidekick guy, my go-to guy [playing poorly], if I don’t have the ball rolling who can I defer to? It didn’t look like Wade – or even Chris Bosh – were [that guy] in the Finals.”