Idina Menzel will sing the National Anthem before the All-Star Game

The All-Star Game in Minneapolis has its automatic beer machines all ready to go, and now it has its anthem singer. Who will be belting out the Star-Spangled Banner ahead of this year’s All-Star Game?

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Adele Dazeem herself.

Or, as she is better-known, Idina Menzel.

If MLB has any sense of humor, they will try to get John Travolta in there to introduce Menzel. Maybe they could do a duet on one of those songs from Grease. Can Travolta still sing or does lard just come bubbling from his mouth when he tries?

Let’s hope Menzel bothers to actually memorize the words, unlike Luke Bryan who pissed some people off last year when he had to read the lyrics off his hand. Crib notes for the Star-Spangled Banner? That’s worse than Costanza writing Jerry’s move on his hand. You can’t use crib notes for sex moves or the national anthem. Don’t you know that Luke Bryan?

In case you’re not familiar with Idina Menzel’s work, here she is singing the hell out of some sappy Disney song. She’s not going to make those faces when she sings the anthem, right?

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