Mick Foley wants show on WWE Network

Despite no longer being a part of the WWE, Mick Foley continues to make the media rounds to promote his various projects. Recently, he spoke with AL.com about several topics, including his one man show.

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On if other wrestlers could be good on stage: “Oh sure, a lot of guys. First of all, every wrestler has unique stories. But the key between doing a Q/A and actually putting on a show is the work. At that point the number cuts dramatically of the people who are willing to show up at open mics, feel terrible about themselves, worse emotionally than any other time in their lives, and then get up there and do it again. There is a market for Q/A. But I love that the show sinks or swims based on whether or not I’m good. There’s no other match to go on if I’m having an off night. You know, I like the pressure and the adventure of being able to take people on a nice, enjoyable ride when I’m on stage.”

On his one-man show: “Most people are showing up out of blind faith and they have no idea what to expect. I hope in a few years word gets around and maybe WWE will show up with their cameras and realize it’s a perfect fit for their network. Then the fan base will have a chance to see it and therefore arrive with high expectations. Until then, part of the fun of the show is to be better than people are expecting.”

On his funny interactions with his fans: “You know, they’re more touching than funny. I just got this beautiful Christmas card from the mother of a special needs’ child and I’ll actually put it in my photo album. It meant so much to her to have her son Johnny incorporated into the show. They tend to be more nice, touching moments and there’s usually several of them a night. Of course, there are nights when you wish you could just do your show and go home to get some rest. But it’s part of the reason people come and it’s one of the things they enjoy most. If you’re in my shoes, and your goal is to leave people with the biggest possible smile on their face, then doing the meet-and-greet afterwards makes sense.”