Vin Scully will return for 66th season in 2015

Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports
Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports

In the midst of furious trade rumors, reports, and conflicting stories from sources, baseball fans received some of the greatest news of all on Tuesday night.

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At age 87, play-by-play legend Vin Scully will return in 2015 for his 66th season on the microphone for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

We all have no choice but to go season to season and wait to hear how Scully feels and if he will return. It was a moment of joy last year when he announced his return, and this year he is being especially generous by announcing his return before the calendar even flips to August.

The team made the news official while Scully was working a game at Dodgers Stadium on Tuesday.

During a time when claims to being “old school” can be equal parts disingenuous and just plain obnoxious, Scully is truly old school in every positive sense of the word. At the park each night in a suit and tie, Scully works alone in the booth and lets the action on the field be his primary focus as he articulates what happens on the field.

Sure, Scully comes to the park prepared with background stories and anecdotes to fill the dead space of a baseball game. But he does not fill space simply to fill space and he does not try to brand himself as a personality. He knows his job is to enhance the action on the field and stay out of the way when appropriate, all so that the game itself is always the story.

That’s why he’s the best, and why this is such great news for baseball.