Nike reveals Team USA FIBA World Cup uniforms (Photos)

The FIFA World Cup has come and gone but there’s another World Cup to be won in another sport — and this time the German’s won’t be winning it.

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At the end of August the FIBA World Cup of Basketball will tip off and Team USA will be heading to Spain to try and take home the prize of the best national basketball team in the world.

They’re coming hot off a Gold Medal performance in London at the 2012 Olympics, but while there are new faces on the team as well as old, the expectation is the same that the Americans will take home first place.

Like the new faces on the team, the uniforms that Team USA will be wearing are fresh and brand new and we were given our best look at them yet thanks to Nike.

Check them out here:

Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike
Credit: Nike

The uniforms aren’t anything earth shattering but they look cool which is really all you want out of a basketball jersey these days.

What Americans will really want is the team to win, as the failure of the soccer team in Brazil was actually not that bad but failure at a sport Americans are actually good at would be nothing short of devastating.

Be sure to check’s official NBA page to keep up to date on the latest news and rumors from around the league all summer long.