Freddie Freeman reaches into stands for the catch (Video)

Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports
Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports

Sometimes the fans in the stands know to stay out of the way. Sometimes they don’t. Different instincts kick in for different people as fall pop-ups head towards the first couple rows of the stands and a player is reaching to attempt the catch.

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When it is the home crowd and one of their own is trying to make a catch, some fans know to keep their hands to themselves and some cannot help but try to snag a foul ball.

Then there are the times that the fans choose to get in the way because the defender plays for the other team. Frustrating though that can be for the player who is trying to make the play, it’s kind of fair game once they have ventured onto the fan’s turf, as it were.

Freddie Freeman of the Atlanta Braves overcame a number of reaching hands and arms from the Padres’ faithful as he reached for this catch to record the out against Tyson Ross, the opposing pitcher for the Padres. He needed every inch of his long arms to make the play, as the legitimately reached to the second row of seats to snag this one.

Check out video of the great catch by Freeman, courtesy of