Rise and Scribe – Jason Concepcion aka Netw3rk


nathaninsandiego | Flickr

You know Jason Concepcion. Well, maybe you don’t know Jason Concepcion, but you definitely know his twitter persona, netw3rk (if you still don’t, what is wrong with you, go follow him now). Jason is an interesting case, as he rose from basically a hilarious twitter account to a full-time writer for Grantland. In between that time, he wrote for, among many other places, GQ,  Hardwood Paroxysm (!), The Classical, SB Nation and Esquire. Jason was kind enough to join me today on the Rise and Scribe podcast.

First, we talk about Jason’s odd rise through the writing ranks, from his early days on twitter to his first writing stints and then to Grantland. We also discuss what he had to learn as a writer, since he never really set out to be one and didn’t come from a writing background. We then go into his process as a writer. Is it harder to be funny in longform pieces than it is on twitter, and how does one adjust their writing style to match? Then, because he and I are both gigantic comic book nerds, we digress into a discussion about comic book movies, shows, how Marvel has learned from their movie success who our favorite writers are, and Rick Remender. We do eventually get back into writing. I promise.

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The podcast is also available on iTunes. If you like it, please leave us a review. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hardwood-paroxysm-network/id704524894?mt=2