All college football players dream of someday succeeding in the NFL, here are 25 current players that will.
We’re over halfway through the 2014 college football season and we’ve seen some incredible play from thus far. There are still a lot of teams that think they have a chance at being invited to the inaugural College Football Playoff and many players have impressed around the country. But there are some college football players that are playing so well that it’s obvious that they’re not just going to excel while in school, but in the NFL, too.
It’s quite tough forecasting how players will translate from the collegiate game to the professional game. Often times Heisman Trophy winners can’t even cut it at the next level. That said, some players have performed at such a level in 2014 that their futures look bright beyond just the rest of this season.
It definitely takes more than skill to make it in the NFL, it also requires the right size and attributes to have success there. Those attributes being dedication, discipline, hunger, and so on. These 25 players have just that. Are these the only great players in college football right now? Of course not. Are they the only ones that might find success in the pros? Most likely not, but they are the ones that I believe will make the biggest splash in the NFL in the coming years.
Of course it takes a little luck and health to become a star in the NFL as well, lets hope all of these players get just that over the next few years. Will your favorite college football player be a stud in the NFL?