Chris Jericho: I Outwork Every Guy On WWE Roster


When asked about whether or not he receives any resentment for being part-time, WWE star Chris Jericho had maybe the best response ever. 

Chris Jericho is reportedly set to re-emerge on the WWE roster some time before the year closes out after he took yet another break following his recent run, which featured a feud with Bray Wyatt. Essentially, Jericho has become a part-time star in recent years, and he was recently asked about whether or not he gets any resentment from his peers.

Oh, and he had probably the best response ever.

When asked in an interview with the Miami Herald about whether or not he gets any flack, Jericho simply pointed out that when he does make his returns, he proves that he really is the best at what he does.

"“There shouldn’t be, because I can come back there and outwork any one of those guys on the roster. When I come back though, I come back to work as many shows as I can. I don’t just come back for TV and pay-per-view. I work with everybody and have great matches. So I don’t think anybody has any issues with Jericho coming back. I think they are actually looking forward to it. If I was coming back and couldn’t do my job, then I would absolutely see why they don’t want me there."

The thing about the comments from Jericho is that they’re very much the truth. At his age, it truly is amazing what Y2J can do when he steps inside that 20 x 20 ring. All you have to look to for proof of this is his most recent match with Randy Orton at Night of Champions, plus the work that he did with Wyatt.

And there’s no doubt that when he makes his next return, he will still be one of the best on the roster.

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