Indiana High School Quarterback Front Flips Over Defender Into End Zone (Video)


Sometimes you’ll do whatever it takes to get into the end zone for six points, like Indiana high school quarterback Ethan Jones showed recently. 

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Especially when you’re playing at the high school level in football, you will literally do anything and everything to make sure that you’re going to score a touchdown when you have the opportunity.

That even includes turning into a full-fledged acrobat, if you absolutely have to.

Well one high school quarterback from Indiana, Ethan Jones, had to channel his inner Olympic gymnastics to make sure that his team got the six points, and he made a defender look completely silly in the process.

Watch in the video below as Jones, from Hamilton Heights High School, rolls out to his right, and then when he can’t find anyone to get the ball to in the end zone, he takes matters into his own hands and shows that he can basically fly.

Now that was some insane, athletic stuff. But again, when you wanna get that score, you’re going to do whatever you possibly have to to get that ball across that plane.

What might have been more amazing was the fact that he almost stuck the complete landing. It was impressive, but man, he nearly had the perfect placement.

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