
Destiny The Dark Below Preview First Look

Bungie is set to release The Dark Below, the first expansion for Destiny. Before doing so they want to tease some of the highlights.

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Gear up Guardians, whether or not you’ve conquered The Vault of Glass, The Dark Below is coming and Destiny is ready to show it off. The first expansion to Destiny is set to make its debut in December and Bungie is offering gamers a preview look into what awaits them in The Dark Below.

Bungie is set to launch The Dark Below on December 9th, and gamers now get a more in depth look at what they should expect from the next portion of the game. The first look video provides an insight into gameplay as well as some other information straight from the team making the game.

Check it out:

To say I’m excited for The Dark Below would be an understatement. I am awaiting new content like a kid in a candy store. At this point, the excitement has grown somewhat stale, and The Dark Below introducing more playable areas to Destiny will be a much welcomed feature.

I’m still holding out hope the Bungie will eventually add matchmaking capability for the raids. Having to field a full fireteam is something that adds a lot of unnecessary and wasted time for the casual gamer.

At any rate, here’s to The Dark Below looking absolutely great!

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